Where Do Broken Bodies Go to Thrive? — Human Garage Guest Post #5
Do you feel pain, tired, sluggish, weak, stiff, broken, or run down?
Do you experience anxiety, depression, brain fog, or have racing thoughts?
Imagine a world where you feel energetic, strong and pain free. Your body hums like a well-oiled machine in all its activities, your mind is clear with a positive outlook and you are a happy, productive human being. Age is just a number, and you have abundant energy to fully participate in the things you love and enjoy with your friends and loved ones. You are confident and feel amazing in your own body, mind, and spirit!
Fall is underway and we’re in the fourth quarter.
What will you do differently to upgrade your life before this year is over?
If you’re ready for a complete overhaul, Human Garage is here for you. From repairing imbalances in the muscles and fascia to improving your alignment and getting you out of pain, to correcting your biochemistry and remapping movement patterns in your body and brain, we have you covered.
We did our homework to combine the best of the best to create a comprehensive, cutting edge Alignment Protocol that yields phenomenal results for humans just like you.
The Human Garage Alignment Protocol consists of four phases to help you live a fully aligned life:
- Assess
- Repair
- Align
- For Life
Once you’ve had your initial consultation, which includes a gait and posture analysis, as well as a jaw release that calms your entire nervous system, you are ready to begin the next step of the protocol. When you come in for your first appointment, you will get on a Motion Mechanic’s table to begin the unwinding process, which includes six in-depth release sessions:
- Lower Release
- Core Release
- Shoulder Release
- Neck Release
- Custom Release #1
- Custom Release #2
The best way I can explain the experience is through sharing my own as I went through it myself two years ago as a client. I was instantly welcomed into the Human Garage family as I was greeted with hugs and smiles and offered some hot herbal tea. I was then led to a massage table covered in a plush, soft blanket that was so comfortable, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and take a nap right then and there. Because the staff made me feel so at ease, I almost forgot the original reason I was there, which was to fix a painful right shoulder and right hip that always seemed to feel stuck. The Motion Mechanic explained to me what was going to happen and then proceeded to begin helping me release my adductor magnus muscle in my inner thigh.
The muscles are released through the application of pressure to a specific part of the muscle. What we are doing is giving the body a problem to “fix.” The body initially perceives the pressure as a level of 5-7 pain on a scale of 1-10 and then does what it’s designed to do: it heals itself by releasing hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin, for the purpose of relaxing the muscle and fascia. After a minute or so, the pain diminishes as the muscle “lets go” and releases. Once the muscle is released, the Motion Mechanic moves on to other muscles throughout the body, unwinding the body systematically, often beginning with the adductors, which act as springs for the hips.
Emotions are stored in the fascia, so it is not uncommon for clients to have emotional releases as part of the alignment process. I can honestly attest that I always felt wonderful after the table sessions and left feeling lighter, happier, moving easier and more fluidly, and by the time I completed the protocol, I was pain free! It was an amazing, transformational experience for me, as it has proven to be for our clients and staff as well.
The work that the Motion Mechanics do is unique in that they use both a therapeutic and intuitive approach by “tuning in” to your body to determine what it needs on any given day. What you need today may be different tomorrow and next week, depending on your personal history, injuries, activities, and current emotional state. Whether you had a stressful week at work, you danced the night away at a wedding, walked all day at a festival, strained your shoulder while wrestling with your kids, or just got off a plane, Motion Mechanics work accordingly to give you the best care with the intention of always having you leave the Garage feeling better than when you walked in.
Following a multi-faceted, holistic approach towards assessing your unique body across five different departments, we go about designing a game plan to repair it.
Likewise, our Full Motion Chiropractors also use a customized, intuitive approach that is gentle, yet highly effective and focuses more on the body’s extremities and joints rather than just the spine. Typically, what happens when people get chiropractic work done, is that they feel great immediately after an adjustment, but after a couple of days, their structure is pulled back out of alignment because the tight muscles and fascia that had caused the misalignment in the first place, had not been released. This causes frequent recurrences of pain and discomfort and is the reason why chiropractic adjustments alone aren’t usually effective long term. Another important aspect of what our Full Motion Chiropractors do is that they carefully tune in to your body to make sure they’re giving you what you need without overloading your nervous system to avoid undesirable symptoms, such as body aches and brain fog.
Another vital step, which is equally, if not more important than repairing your biomechanics (the movement and functionality of your body), is repairing your biochemistry (how your body is working on the inside). Unlike blood tests that just tell us whether we’re sick or not, Human Garage’s Biochemical Wellness Analysis test measures how healthy your body is. To go about repairing your biochemistry, our Biochemical Wellness Nutritionists will go over your lab results with you, asking you questions to get to know you and learn more about your lifestyle and eating habits. They will provide step by step instructions on how to repair your body using the highest quality, holistic and homeopathic supplements and functional foods.
Once your body has been unwound and your biochemistry is well on its way to becoming balanced, Progression Specialists do a thorough neuromuscular and functional screening. Customized to your specific needs, Progression Specialists design an exercise program to repair any visual, vestibular (inner ear), proprioceptive (where your body perceives itself in its environment), and movement imbalances.
Many professional athletes and dancers come to Human Garage to repair the wear and tear their bodies had undergone over the years. With one such client, we discovered that she had a vestibular issue when she lost her balance during one of the tests. This explained why she would often bump into things and injure herself. She was then given a vestibular exercise to fix the problem which was effective in correcting the imbalance and helped give her better control to optimize her performance.
Once again, Human Garage takes the guesswork out of achieving full mind/body repair and alignment. Our multi-faceted approach to repairing your body identifies the root source of problems, rather than merely treating the symptoms. We use proprietary, cutting-edge methods of tuning in and treating humans with the care they deserve. If this resonates with you, we invite you to come in and discover for yourself the full process at Human Garage and begin your journey with us!
Curious to learn more about Human Garage? Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and the Human Garage Blog to tune in about all of their happenings.
Human Garage
2903 W Washington Blvd.
Venice, California 90292
(323) 325-5787
email | website

Jennifer is an Alignment Advisor, Motion Mechanic, and Staff Writer for Human Garage. Having worked in the fitness and wellness industry for over 17 years as a workshop presenter, personal chef, certified fitness and health coach, her passion is to inspire people to live healthy, radiant lives, from the inside out!