Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) Elections Are Here

JUNE 1 – Last day to apply for a Vote-By-Mail Ballot

Did you know that registration for the election is currently underway for people that live, work, or own property in Venice? This year, you have to register to receive your mail in ballot, even if you are already registered to vote in our general elections.

Quick Voter Guide

This year, registering to vote is a multi-step process. It has been broken it into 7 steps outlined here. The City Clerk also posted a series of three videos to assist new voters here. If you have any questions during this process, please contact this help line at (323) 926-8236.

Register to vote in 3 easy steps

1. Download the paper version of the Vote-By-Mail Application, fill it in, and sign it.

2. Take a picture of your ID and any supporting documents you need to demonstrate stakeholder status. The City’s Documentation Guide contains a complete list of acceptable documents to prove stakeholder status.

These are the documents you’ll need to demonstrate eligibility, depending on the type of stakeholder you are.

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Every vote must upload a valid ID. Examples: Driver License/ID Card, Passport, Birth certificateDocument that evidences your residency in Venice. Examples: Rent receipt with Venice address, Lease agreement, Utility bill with Venice addressDocument that evidences you work in Venice. Examples: Current business card with Venice address, Letter from employer with Venice address, Paystubs showing employer address in VeniceDocument that evidences you own property in Venice. Examples: Mortgage statement copy, Home insurance statement copy, Property tax bill copy

For a list of additional documentation, read the City’s Documentation Guide.

3. Email your signed application and supporting documents to



Check out the step-by-step guide to online registration here.

Once ballot arrives – Fill out ballot correctly. You can vote for one candidate in each executive position and ONLY ONE community officer.

Important Deadlines

Candidate Information

For the full breakdown, please visit the guide on

Information courtesy of The Common Sense Candidates for Venice Neighborhood Council and