Reflecting on Our New Normal, 6 Months Later

It has been 6 months since a global pandemic sent ripples through our world and I have seen firsthand how this microscopic virus has sent us all inward to evaluate what is most important. We’ve adapted to a new normal and as a local and global community, shown our character and resilience. I have also sat quietly with our clients.

I’ve realized that, more than ever, real estate decisions are rooted in dreams — what a person most wants for their one wild and precious life. For many, the dreams of their best life were no longer something they could defer until later. Settling for the way things are was no longer an option. For some, selling their home to realize a dream of life in a ski-town became possible. For others, making the transition to live on the beach was the priority. And for some, finding a family home with more space and a pool was something they couldn’t put off until some day. The examples are numerous and specific because, in each instance, it was a personal dream that we were able to help make a reality for them.

Since the Stay at Home Order, we have helped over 150 amazing homeowners start new chapters. This is why we do what we do. My team and I have been gifted the opportunity to be a part of these life-changing transitions. To make some day, now. We are honored to play our part in actualizing those dreams.

If this letter makes you pause and think, perhaps your time is now. It has been my personal mantra since the beginning to help people “star in the life they love.” It would be our pleasure to help you with yours. 
Love where you live ♥