Change Agents, Organizations and Books To Help Us All Keep Moving Forward
At Halton Pardee, we stand humbled by the actions we have seen over the past week. To those who have marched, educated friends and family, taken to social media and spread awareness of racism in this country — we are in awe.
We stand in solidarity with anyone who is fighting inequality. As a company, we are committed to listening, learning and doing our part to end racism and injustice.
How? Through our charitable foundation, Life Change Warriors, we have been acting to address systemic oppression and helping marginalized groups locally. We are more committed than ever to continue our long-standing partnerships with Harvest Home and Venice Arts – two organizations committed to serving the underserved and addressing inequalities in our community.
We vow to be an agent of reform and align with organizations that empower the disempowered.
As a first step, we wanted to share with you resources and organizations that are circulating throughout Los Angeles and the nation. We are grateful to have the opportunity to have the opportunity to feature these remarkable change agents.
Victim funds welcoming donations
George Floyd
GoFundMe for George Floyd
Ahmaud Arbery, “I run with Maud”
GoFundMe for Ahmaud Arbery
Breonna Taylor
GoFundMe for Breonna Taylor
Please refer to the complete list on the Black Lives Matter Website.
Book lists that will educate and offer insight
On Wednesday, CNN stated that “Amazon’s best sellers list is dominated almost entirely by books on race.” Later, Time Magazine shared that the demand for books about race and anti-racism has soared. They curated a list of 13 books, ranging from Childrens to Memoirs to Historical.
See Amazon’s Best Sellers List here
Read more from Time Magazine here
Refinery 29 put together their own list which includes books that help guide someone in talking about race with friends and family. It also includes publications that provide context to civil rights leaders and insight into key topics like mass incarceration. Notably, Refinery 29 is also providing a link to purchase your book at Black-owned bookstores.
Read more from Refinery29 here
Local organizations to learn about in the Los Angeles area
Time Out LA compiled a list of local organizations that are bringing protestors together and supporting them, should they be arrested. They note that the Minnesota Freedom Fund has raised so much money – that it is right to look to other community funds from Black Lives Matter LA, to the Bail Project to People’s City Council Freedom Fund.
Read more from Time Out LA here
LA grassroots organizations need our attention too
The LA Times cited important organizations doing crucial grassroots work such as the LA Tenants Union, Youth Justice Coalition and more.. Their suggestion is to follow these local organizations on social media and if they have them, sign up for their newsletters. See where you could add value, reach out and get involved.
National groups that are making headlines
Explore these outstanding organizations and consider the many ways to get involved — sharing what you learn with a friend, a financial donation, your time or expertise.
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Visions Collective
- Reclaim the Block
- NAACP Legal Defense Fund
- American Civil Liberties Union
- National Bail Fund Network
- National Police Accountability Project
- Know Your Rights Camp
Have a suggestion of what else Halton Pardee should look into, learn about, get involved in? Tell us at